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In Rockwood Maths department we aim to nurture resilient learners who appreciate the use of sound mathematical skills to solve real life problems.

Mathematics is an important creative discipline that helps us to understand and change the world. We want all pupils at Rockwood Academy to experience the beauty, power and enjoyment of mathematics and develop a sense of curiosity about the subject with a clear understanding. At Rockwood Academy, we foster positive can-do attitudes, and we promote the fact that ‘We can all do maths!’ We believe all children can achieve in mathematics and teach for secure deep understanding of mathematical concepts through manageable steps. We use mistakes and misconceptions as an essential part of learning and provide challenge through rich and sophisticated problems.

The Mathematics team

Mr S. Mohammed – Head of Department

Mrs B. Rai – 2nd in Department

Mr A. Das – KS3 Coordinator

Teachers of Maths:

Mr N. Zaman

Miss A. Cali

Mr. U. Iqbal

Mr. A Mohamed

Mr. R. Bashir

Mr. Q. Nasir


Exam Specification

Pearson Edexcel
Exam Code: 1MA1
100% Exam consisting of 3 papers (1 Non-Calculator and 2 Calculator papers)
2 Tiers:

Useful Resources