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The Year 10 mock exam timetable is below, along with instructions for students to familiarise themselves with; ready for the real GCSE exams in Year 11.

  1. You must follow all examination rules during line up, entry to the exams, during the exams and exiting the exams.
  2. Try your very best in the exams, use all the allocated time and prepare well. These exams will be used to ensure year 11 is planned to make you successful. The exam season provides you with the opportunity to plan and revise ready for your final GCSEs next May.
  3. If you need any support or guidance, please see Ms Sula, Ms Malone or Ms Creedon.
  4. We wish you the very best year 10. Good luck, go and smash your exams.
  5. When you are not in an exam, you are in your normal lessons.